
Larry's Dog Study Pages

Larry's Hunting Links

Larry's Deer Blind Build Page

Larry's Recipes

Questions & Answers

Brass Sale Page

Chuck Hawks Great Shooting Pages

Moon Phases

"Home Of Prairie Dog Dundee"

55 years of Prairie Dog Shooting
Over 250,000 dogs killed here on our hunts

Bell & Carlson Rifle Stocks

On Arrival Call Me~(806)775-6630

Contact Page

0ne 0f The Hunt Trailers

If you are a single shooter,I Would Like to book you with another shooter or group.You are very welcome here If that's not a problem.
I need your full attention for the time you choose(2 day or 3 day)and work with you and teach you a VERY easy way of shooting and killing shots at 500 plus!

Only you can choose to MAKE yourself BETTER by learning habits of dogs and what to look for on better shots! I can help you become a better shooter,the question is,will you trust me enough and let me show you how? If not,this is most definitely not your FUN ground to shoot.

I want shooters that are FUN loving and easy going and fun to be around!!
I CAN NOT STAND COMPLAINER'S that complains about "EVERYTHING" SO if you have one of those,leave him HOME OK!!! I WILL NOT BANDY words with those type people!!!



Larry Shot a PrairieDog At 475 Yards With This Rifle (Iron Sights~2 Witnesses)

Reloading With The Ladder Test

Two Proven Prairie Dog Litters ever year,that even the college boys don't admit to.One litter on mound on April 15th and then By October 15th every year.(Second litter generally by then)Study Hard Colleges,its there just look!!!

No Refunds On Deposits!! Just rebook is excepted! No Extra Charge!!